
Saturday Mar 09, 2019
Episode 5: Sorry, I was checking my Grindr--Masculinity and the Queer Community
Saturday Mar 09, 2019
Saturday Mar 09, 2019
This podcast episode is a little bit messy so buckle up.
Kelley Fox drunkenly interviews her best friend Korbin about his experience in the queer community, his experience with toxic masculinity within the community and how oppression can beget oppression.
Kelley refers to a few things (not well) so here are links to learn more.
Pride 2017:
(search Columbus Stonewall Pride 2017 and Black Pride 4 for more info)
Are Traps Gay?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbBzhqJK3bg
Autogynephilia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6czRFLs5JQo
Intro/Outro Music: Human by Korbin Jones
Logo by Emily Fergus

Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Episode 4: Feminism and Disability
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
Sunday Feb 10, 2019
This episode Kelley talks to a new friend Hannah Soyer about the intersections of feminism and disability. They talk about marginalized groups and the future they hope for people being oppressed.
Check out Hannah's project This Body is Worthy at thisbodyisworthy.com
Logo by Emily Fergus
Intro/Outro: Human by Korbin Jones

Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Episode 3: Masculinity and Homophobia
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
In this episode, Kelley talks with her best friend Korbin Jones about how masculinity effects his identity as queer, how people perceive him, and how gender roles are intertwined by society with sexual identity.
Noted sources: Boys Beware: 1961 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTn7ALbLYPI
Logo by Emily Fergus
Intro/Outro Music: Human by Korbin Jones

Saturday Jan 05, 2019
Episode 2: The Infection of White Fragility
Saturday Jan 05, 2019
Saturday Jan 05, 2019
In this episode, Kelley Fox talks to Andy Burns, a white heterosexual cis man, about the ways in which society has taught him certain roles he must live into, the ways that white masculinity is different from other masculinity and how we can begin to live a whole human life.
Intro and Outro Music by Korbin Jones
Discussed Sources:
White Right: Meeting the Enemy available on Netflix
Scene on Radio: Danger (Seeing White, Part 11)
Macbeth available on Amazon Prime.
Logo design by Emily Fergus.

Friday Dec 21, 2018
Episode 1: A Reintroduction: Masculinity's limitations for men
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Friday Dec 21, 2018
In this new introduction to the podcast (fit with a new name) Kelley Fox talks about her thoughts on masculinity and its limitations on men. She discusses Macbeth, gender roles, and how liberation for the lowest of people needs to start with the top.
Intro and Outro Music: Human by Korbin Jones.
Discussed movies:
The Mask You Live In https://amzn.to/2PSZJwU
Macbeth (2015): https://amzn.to/2QLi6ca

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Masculinity and Gun Violence- Media Pt 2
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
This podcast was created for Rhetorical Theory at Ohio Northern University.
I again sit down with David MacDonald, chaplain at ONU, to talk about what we can do to try to fix this problem of Toxic Masculinity. We discuss parenting, the subtle messages we send to those around us and what we may be able to do.

Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Masculinity and Gun Violence- Media Pt 1
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
This podcast was created as a part of Rhetorical Theory project.
In this podcast, I talk to David McDonald, Chaplain at Ohio Northern University about the expectations of masculinity portrayed through the media and how that has affected the rates of gun violence. We begin the conversation on why it is that men are the perpetrators of mass gun violence and see that this is not only a gun issue but a gender issue.
(April 22, 2018)